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Michael Foot

With the death of Michael Foot a whole era of British politics has closed. Conviction, erudition and sheer intellectual weight like his are now out of place in a Parliament of sound-bites where money talks and is listened to attentively. He was deeply committed to Plymouth – and particularly Plymouth Argyle: sadly though registered by the club as a player when 90 he was unable to turn out for them, and did not live to see his ambition realised of watching Argyle play top-flight football. Made editor of the Evening Standard in his 20s, he had a gift and appreciation for words throughout his long life: a scholar of Swift and biographer of H.G. Wells among others, whose learning was on a heroic scale, Michael Foot relished a far wider world than the Westminster village.

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Brit Quote:
It is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it. - GK Chesterton
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On this day:
Henry VIII becomes Head of Church in England, - 1535, Elizabeth I crowned - 1559, British Museum Opens - 1759, Regent’s Park Ice-Skating Disaster - 1867, First BBC Sporting Commentary - 1927
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