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Keith Alexander

Since his recent death many have said Keith Alexander should have managed at a higher level. Perhaps prejudice against his skin-colour held him back. Or maybe his lack of a top-flight playing career. But we celebrate his heroic life in the real football world of Grimsby, Lincoln City – he managed the mighty Imps twice – Barnet, Stamford and his last club as manager, Macclesfield. In all he played for or managed more than 20 teams both league and non-league, and even won three caps for Saint Lucia in spite of being born in Nottingham! A big bustling centre forward he became an astute manager and coach, coping with the crises and enjoying the successes. And as the first black manager appointed on a full-time basis in Britain he has his place in history.

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He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery - Harold Wilson
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Army raised for Third Crusade - 1189, First Concorde flight - 1976
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