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Beth Tweddle

On the same day that Beth Tweddle won gold for her floor routine in the World Gymnastics Championships in London, adding to the uneven bars gold she took in 2006 in Aarhus, Jenson Button won the F1 World Championship in Rio. He probably earned more for his drive than Beth will make in a lifetime, but money in sport is not everything: with her brilliant floor routine she showed daring, grace, and joy. It was for her the culmination of training and sheer hard work that began 17 years previously in a sport not often in the TV limelight. Her 95lb frame did things the rest of us wouldn’t even dream of attempting, and every inch of her diminutive 5’ 3” stature is heroic.

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Dunblane Cathedral - I know not of anything so perfect in its simplicity - John Ruskin
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On this day:
Henry VIII becomes Head of Church in England, - 1535, Elizabeth I crowned - 1559, British Museum Opens - 1759, Regent’s Park Ice-Skating Disaster - 1867, First BBC Sporting Commentary - 1927
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