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Reviews of Hart's Hotel, Nottingham

Best rates for a Local Hotel

Review by Tess on 23rd July, 2010

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This is an hotel with the wow factor - make no mistake - and with no disrespect intended it was quite a surprise find in Nottingham. We found the staff to be highly trained and motivated, with nothing appearing to make them flap. Was also pleased to see that although a few years since opening now the building still feels fresh and contemporary. On top of all these platitudes we also greatly enjoyed both breakfast and dinner. Excellent

Date visited: July 2010

Review by Nadia on 8th April, 2009

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Wow ! Billed as a treat by my other half our time at Harts was simply fab. Everything is right about this place and from the moment you walk in you know you have arrived in a hotel on top of its game. We loved the contemporary feel, the luxuriant beds but best of all was the Restaurant - which shouldn't have surprised us given the culinary heritage of the owning family (hambleton, quo vadis etc). Nottingham is not awash with high quality hotels or restaurants but Harts appears to stand supreme. 9/10

Date visited: March 2009

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