Charles I
- Favourite Briton.

Born in Dunfermline, Fife
Born on 19th of November 1600
Died in Whitehall, London
Died in 000

Quotes from Charles I

'Never make a defense or an apo'... More

Charles I was born on the 19th November 1600 at Dunfermaline Castle in Fife, his father was James VI King Of Scotland who also became King Of England On Elizabeth's death, and was known as James I, his mother was Anne Of Denmark and Norway. His grandmother was Mary Queen Of Scots, he had a sister named Elizabeth and an older brother Henry who tragically died at just 18 years of age in 1612, Charles became heir apparent just before his 12th birthday and was destined to reign England, Scotland and Ireland.

He travelled to Spain with a trusted friend George Villiers who was the 1st Duke of Buckingham in the hope of negotiating the intended alliance between Maria Anna Of Spain who was the daughter of Philip III of Spain and Charles. The meeting did not go well as the Spanish king had insisted that not only should Charles convert to Catholicism, but also remain behind in Spain for a year after the marriage. Villiers and Charles returned to England, and persuaded James I to declare War between England and Spain.

Charles instead married Henrietta Maria Of France, whom he had met during his return journey to England, they were married on 13th June 1625 in Canterbury, they had nine children.

He was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2nd February 1626 where he became the 2nd Stuart King to reign. Although a well educated man, it is said that he was very opinionated and believed that he did not have to answer to Parliament, he was only answerable to God. However, his relationship with Parliament was rocky, in fact he dissolved it three times after many conflicts over money and differences on religious policy. He angered the Scots when he introduced a prayer book that favoured pomp and ceremony when a far more simple and purer way was favourite. He was forced into re-instating Parliament in order that he could raise money to fight the Scots, and if that was not enough there was trouble with an uprising in Ireland. His simple action of raising the Royal Standard in Nottingham started the infamous Civil War.

The Scots invaded England and occupied Durham and Newcastle, and Charles went across the Midlands, Wales, and was planning to move into London, Parliament sent an Army to stop him and a bloody battle ensued at Edgehill. A couple of years later after the Battle of Naseby which tipped the scales in the favour of Parliament. Charles surrendered into the hands of the Scots, who in turn handed him over to Parliament where he was imprisoned in Hampton Court. He managed to escape and eventually made his way to Carrisbrooke Castle on the Isle Of White, He was put on Trial and charged with High Treason against the people of England. He was finally executed publicly, outside the Banqueting House at Whitehall in London.

Buried here

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It is sometimes necessary to lie damnably in the interests of the nation - Hilaire Belloc
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