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Hotels in Nottingham

Restaurant Sat Bains with Rooms
Lenton Lane



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Restaurant Sat Bains with rooms boasts the highest rating in Nottingham with the AA Hotel guide and is listed in their Top 200 places to stay in the UK, with a service quality award of 85%. The Restaurants innovative and unique style of cuisine has achieved a Michelin star, 4 AA rosettes and 7/10 in the Good food guide. Placing it in the top 25 Restaurants of Great Britain. Tucked-away down a quiet lane this delightful, sympathetically converted Victorian farmhouse sits on the banks of the Trent. Smartly refurbished and fashionably attired, quality reigns supreme, from the restaurant's high-back leather seats to the spacious tables and first-class tableware - complete with the chef-patron's monogrammed signature. Exposed beams, veneered flagstone floors, jazz backing track and expressionist modern art all conspire to create a smooth, classy and restrained backdrop for some flamboyant cooking.


Ratings/Awards: AA 3 Red Stars
Top 200 AA Premier Collection
AA Restaurant of the Year England 2007
Number of Rooms: 9
Number Ensuite: 9
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Name: Restaurant Sat Bains
Cuisine: Modern European
Chef: Sat Bains
Awards: 4 AA Rosettes
1 Michelin Star
AA Restaurant of the Year England 2007

For menu click here


Credit Cards Accepted
Room Service
Open All Year

Sample Menu:

Dinner Menu

Veal sweetbread
parsley root
pineapple, hazelnut
jus noisette

peanut brittle
apple, chicory, fennel

Salt cod beignet
pequillo pepper
parsley puree

Cornish turbot
pomme puree
salsify, frogs leg
red wine – Manni olive oil

Anjou pigeon
sweet and sour turnip
melon, feta, mint
pink grapefruit jus

From Premier cheese
An artisan cheese selection

Olive cake
poached cherries
almond milk sorbet

Chocolate cream
puree, poached, ice cream

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