Attraction in Coniston

Brantwood, Coniston, Cumbria


LA21 8AD
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Brantwood, the home of John Ruskin, from 1872 until 1900, is the most beautifully situated house in the Lake District. There is no other house in the district with such a diversity of cultural associations. Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi can be numbered amongst Ruskin's disciples. Today Brantwood preserves Ruskin's legacy, but also strives to promote the relevance of Ruskinian ideas in today's society.

Brantwood's estate and gardens is a living laboratory, explained in the LInton Room, while the Severn Studio hosts a number of contemporary art exhibitions throughout the year. Brantwood's bookshop, the Jumping Jenny Restaurant and Coach House Craft Gallery combine for a perfect day out.


Nearest UK Airport: Manchester
Tourist Info Number: +44 (0)1539 441 533
Months Open: Mar - Nov every day; Weds - Sun in Winter
Groups/Parties Welcome: Yes
Discount for Groups: Yes
Car Parking: Yes
Contact Name for Groups: Josie Coombe
Admission Price: £5.50 (incl house guide)
Gift Shop: Yes
Catering: 'Jumping Jenny' Restaurant and Coffee House; meals/snacks served all day.

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