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Reviews of Sandhurst Hotel, Middlewich

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Review by Raj on 25th October, 2009

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I have stayed Sandhurst hotel for 16days. There was no word to describe how good I was treated and assisted. Every staff was very very warm towards me, like a family. Thanks a million for the assistance, care and luv you have shown me. The best hotel in Cheshire on my experience. No regrets. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

Date visited: 14.08.09

Review by Russell on 9th August, 2009

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If you enjoy being yelled at, made to feel like an inconvenience, or belittled by an autocratic and rude proprietress who is prickly, unwelcoming and accusational, then the Sandhurst Hotel is the perfect place for you! Her unacceptable attitude made our proposed stay untenable and we chose to drive home again rather than stay under her roof; judging by other comments on several websites we had a lucky escape! I am amazed that this hotel is advertised as ‘quintessentially English’ with a relaxing atmosphere; and aghast at what foreign visitors may interpret as a typical ‘English’ welcome. Sadly anything good has been ruined by the hostess's appalling attitude to her guests. The Sandhurst Hotel offers themed evenings – they could make a bomb by doing ‘Faulty Towers Evenings’, without even trying! My advice would be never stay here, and don’t recommend it to anyone – they do not deserve to remain in business.

Date visited: May 2009

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