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4981 views since 16th April 2007

Events in Grampian


An event in September in Grampian
Event begins: 30th November -0001
Techfest ends on 30th November -0001

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More Events in Grampian in January

Burning of the Clavie, Burghead

BP Portrait Award , Aberdeen Art Gallery , Aberdeen

Burns Ceilidh Supper, Beach Ballroom , Aberdeen

Brit Quote:
But there, everything has its drawbacks, as the man said when his mother-in-law died, and they came down upon him for the funeral expenses - Jerome K Jerome
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On this day:
Henry VIII becomes Head of Church in England, - 1535, Elizabeth I crowned - 1559, British Museum Opens - 1759, Regent’s Park Ice-Skating Disaster - 1867, First BBC Sporting Commentary - 1927
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