Attraction in Lanhydrock

Lanhydrock House, Lanhydrock, Cornwall

Lanhydrock House

PL30 5AD
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Lanhydrock, one of Cornwall's grandest houses, dates back to the seventeenth century but much was rebuilt after a fire in 1881 destroyed all but the entrance porch and the north wing, which includes the magnificent Long Gallery with its extraordinary plaster ceiling. A total of fifty rooms are on show today, including servants' bedrooms, kitchens, the nursery suite, and the grandeur of the dining-room. Surrounding the house are formal Victorian gardens, wooded higher gardens where magnolias, rhododendrons and camellias climb the hillside. A famous avenue of ancient beech and sycamore trees runs down towards the Fowey at Respryn.

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Nearest UK Airport: Newquay
Months Open: Mid February - October (house: April - October)
Discount for Groups: Yes - if pre-booked
Admission Price: Adults: £.7.90 (house and gardens)
Catering: Restaurant/Café

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